News and Updates


Articles 22-Wages, 23-Differentials, & 24 On-CallMarch 2023-Minimum of 6.5% base wage increase for all Technical Professionals. Go here for the full wage scale.-Minimum hourly wage: $19.66 -On-Call increases to $6.00/hr-On-Call bonus-Moving all Technical...

2/21 Technical Professionals Bargaining Update

We had our second to last scheduled bargaining session last night, and our first with a federal mediator present. Turnout at last night's meeting was incredible with Technical Professionals packing the room from the outset. This is exactly the kind of energy and...

VFNHP Technical Professionals 2/21 Supposal

If Mgmt agreed to these proposals (including ours from above as well) Wages:   Here is our 2/21 Wage Proposal. Differentials:   Here is our 2/15 Differentials Proposal.  On-Call/Call In:  Here is our 2/21 On-Call/Call-In Proposal  Article 2-...

2/15 Technical Professionals Bargaining Update

We had our 6th bargaining session last night during which we put across 6 proposals, Mgmt responded to 12 of our proposals, and we tentatively agreed on 3 Articles.  We remain significantly far apart on economic articles with Mgmt failing to offer competitive...

2/8 Technical Professionals Bargaining Update

2/8 Technical Professionals Bargaining Update We had our fifth bargaining session with Management last night during which we shared 15 counter proposals and the Administration gave us 9. Outside of Management's proposals regarding call pay and differentials, we...

1/30 Technical Professionals Bargaining Update

We had our fourth bargaining session with Management last night, putting across several counters and also receiving responses from the Administration to several proposals we had shared at prior sessions.  Here are the highlights of what was discussed last night:...

Technical Professionals Bargaining Kicks Off

Dear members,  Technical Professionals contract bargaining began on Wednesday, and our Bargaining Team made 30 proposals across the table, while Management offered 27 proposals. Here are some of the highlights: Differentials- We proposed increased differentials...

Outpatient Holiday Float Sign-Up Process & Guidelines

Employee Responsibility 1. The Bargaining Unit member will reach out to Staffing office to notify them of any unit(s) they have skill and ability for as well as what role(s) they would like to fill on the identified unit(s) (i.e. floor nurse with assignment, helping...



We are a strong union of health care professionals organized to ensure access to high-quality health care for everyone in the communities we serve.

Call: (802) 657-4040

Fax: 802.871.5946


Address: 96 Colchester Ave, Burlington VT 05401