Pay Dues
Protect our patients and profession
Building and maintaining our union requires resources. Member dues are how we fund our organization and continue to protect our patients and profession. We need all members to contribute their fair share to ensure a bright future for our organization.
Am I in good standing
In order to be a member in good standing, all dues must be paid in full. You must be a member in good standing in order to vote on union matters or hold elected positions within your union. Some members are not currently in good standing as a result of dues owed from the period during which UVMMC stopped automatically deducting dues during the 2018 strike.
Who to contact
Should you have questions on whether you are in good standing as well as any amount of back dues owed, please call (802) 657- 4040.
We are a strong union of health care professionals organized to ensure access to high-quality health care for everyone in the communities we serve.