Political Rights & Education

Constitution article IV Section 5: Political Rights 

Bargaining unit members selecting service fee status do not have voting rights, do not have a voice in meetings, do not have the right to serve on a union committee and are not eligible to participate in union activities not directly related to their representation.

Constitution article XI Section 6: Political Education Committee

  • The Political Education Committee shall be open to the general membership. 
  • The Political Education Committee shall report to the Vice President of Political Education, who will report to the Executive Board and general membership at the regular meetings. 
  • The purpose of the Political Education Committee shall be to 
    • Monitor and promote legislation and government actions which affect the delivery of health care, the interests of the members, and the health and welfare of the communities we serve. 
    • Screen and recommend endorsement of candidates for local and state offices 
    • Secure voluntary contributions to support the political work of the local

The Political Education Committee shall coordinate with the AFT-Vermont and other unions and coalitions on legislative and political activity whenever possible.



We are a strong union of health care professionals organized to ensure access to high-quality health care for everyone in the communities we serve.

Call: (802) 657-4040

Fax: 802.871.5946

Email: info@vfnhp.org

Address: 96 Colchester Ave, Burlington VT 05401