Proposed Ophthalmology Career Ladder

Ophthalmology Techs have the opportunity to vote on updated job descriptions as well as an updated wage scale as part of career ladder negotiations. If approved, these changes would update our job descriptions to reflect our current practices, eliminate the OA I level...

6/1 Bargaining Update

Nurses and Techs gathered in the McClure lobby to show solidarity with our Bargaining Team ahead of the 6/1 bargaining session. Contract negotiations have stalled, as we did not reach agreement at this week’s session. VFNHP has given a package for the hospital...

5/11 Nurse Bargaining and Incentive Update

Last night, the VFNHP Bargaining Team spent over 3 hours hearing the same thing from management: The hospital will not agree to any financial proposals beyond the $1.3M for their charge and preceptor differentials proposals. Seven proposals, including increasing all...